A new way to show the sport’s data
Scores, timers, countdowns, timed sequences, interactive communications, are no longer a problem for the coach and the club. They are indeed a source of promotion and income. LEDbox is the new full color LED table display (60cm by 20cm), designed and created to display the score of the match of any sport, support the coach's work in the gym and, in the dead times, display texts, logos and videoclips of the sponsors. It can be shared with other coaches / clubs even in other disciplines, everyone has his own account and his personal area; it can be interfaced with all the software on the market (e_Scoresheet Indoor and beach, Data Volley) and can be piloted with an app that can be downloaded for free from Google Play or Apple Store. And it connects in all possible ways: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LAN, USB.
About us
... Fino ad ora qualsiasi richiesta dello staff tecnico sia come materiale sia come strumenti di allenamento ed analisi, è sempre stata considerata una voce di spesa nel bilancio di un club. ... Il nuovo LEDbox della Tech4sport, la startup creata da Emilio Spirito, stravolge completamente questo paradigma: un dispositivo piccolo (60×20 cm) e leggero (3 kg), che oltre a sostituire il classico flipboard manuale durante la partita offre una semplice opportunità di ricavo al club e grandi funzionalità allo staff tecnico.
Lycurgus Volleyball
... Met dank aan Tech4Sport. De LEDbox is o.a gekoppeld aan de e-score, je kunt allerlei kleuren instellen, de time-outs zijn te zien en is het gebruik inmiddels verplicht bij de internationale wedstrijden. Voor ons is het weer een stap verder in de professionalisering.
Ivan IRO
Czech Volleyball Federation started with a new LEDbox which has a quiet wide use – during the matches as well as during the training sessions, where it can be interesting for the coaches. Design is modern and the outcome with coloured display is interesting as well. Positive thing is a possibility to present the marketing partners on the display.
Ing. Ivan IRO (CVF International Secretary)